Friday 4 March 2011

1R+1R+1R= Eco-Awareness

Max says: No Plastic, please! :D

Sorry for not being on the blogging scene for quite a while. With inter-class drama, random quizzes from teachers and being crazy all at the same time, I've finally decided to post a wee bit of something down here.
Just something I did in one day. For something.

Okay fine, I might not be a hardcore enviromentalist or anything (I don't hug trees, I don't go vegan) but at the very least I keep my plastic to the minimum, if none at all :) Let's look it this way: I took my first step!

I read somewhere that cows fart 35kg of methane (that's 7/10 of my weight) and we have so many cows on planet Earth! People, what you are eating in your cheeseburgers are epic fart machines!

But anyways, even if I am still eating beef (but cutting down- so long as Mom cooks beef, I have to eat it. But we usually don't eat beef, so whee to that!

So remember kids! Recycle your paper, Save water! :D

P.S. I shall blog more often. I've decided on posting all my design work here, hopefully revamp this page during March holidays, but that's just planning. Who knew Form 5 would be so busy?

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Remember these?

I remember begging for these. I have no idea where mine went.

"Lived twelve little girls in two straight lines"
Need I say more?

It's the Wild thornberrys! o_o

Putt putt =D

The Proud family

Remember this? :)

I used to read so many of these

Lizze Mcguire

I hope you enjoyed that dose of nostalgia~

Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday 25 November 2010

Off the Long Hiatus!

Max says: Sorry guys! D:

I've got to write a massive apology for going on a sudden hiatus from this bloggie due to exams. Okay maybe that wasn't an excuse. I was just too lazy to write up something. :p

Anyways, a little update on what's going on in Max's head.

I've been doing:
Graphic Designing
Writing Novel at NaNoWriMo
Finishing my Word-count goal of 35,000 words (without finishing my novel)
Going out with friends for movies. (You Again!)
Bowling with friends
Playing pool with friends :)
(my first time playing pool and I love it!)
Oh, and saying goodbye to one of the De Boos. =(
Goodbye to Zi Ying/ChaosPanda/Booeh, who's going to start anew in Sydney!
Say hello to Nemo for me! =)
I miss you a lot =(
We all do!

Thursday 21 October 2010

Free yourself

Take a deep breath, hold it for a bit, then let it go.

Forget all the drama,
all of yesterday and what's coming tomorrow.
Live in the moment, now.

there will always be one reason to do so,
(so don't tell me there isn't one)
hold on to it, don't ever let it go.

Be it :
the colour of the sky,
your pet,
the fact that you've got 5 of your favorite pen,
a new friend,
hugs(both giving and receiving)
being at the right place, at the right time.

I apologize for the lack in posts here in the past month, we've both been a bit busy.

I would love if we could get some requests, maybe about what the next post's theme should be, anything that makes you happy, we can do (but as I said before, no lizards or ghosts.) I'm thinking this could help with the lack of posts because sometimes we just run out of time and brain juice ;p So if you're reading this, could we have some suggestions please?

Have a Happy weekend,

Friday 10 September 2010

Of badges and shaved ice

High chairs~

I wish I had a whole pool of these..I'd jump right in

Shaved Ice =D


Have  a great weekend everyone =)

Saturday 4 September 2010

Be better

Have a heart that never hardens,
a temper that never tires,
a touch that never hurts.
-Charles dickens.

Also posted on I am alive.


Wednesday 1 September 2010

Have you been Hugged Today? =)

"One cannot change the world, but can change the world of another"

Some people think that Random Acts of Kindness is some kind of amazing disease you get if you started being remotely nice to the person next to you. Then when you get the disease, you start to have involuntary movements of possibly feeling the need to shake everyone's hand in the room, or give in to the next annoying car at the junction without breaking the driver's neck. Or give a lollipop to your sibling.

"Pay it Forward!" is a saying from ages ago that you see a random act of kindness done, you pass it on. It's that simple! Someone does something nice for you, you do something nice for someone else back, hoping that the next person they meet will be treated the same too.
And if you're really nice, hugs are good too.

What is hugging?
Hugs are natural, organic, naturally sweet, and free of poisonous pesticides.
Hugs contains no artifical sweeteners and additives!
100% wholesome, calorie-free, nicotine-free, and caffeine-free.

Hugs are handmade, stitched together by love, and free size.
Hugs are efficient, with little removing parts needed, no need for batteries, no periodic checkups. It consumes little energy, but yields a lot.

It's economic inflation-proof. Non-fattening, perfect for diets. No monthly payments. No interests. No insurance requirements. It's theft-proof, nontaxable, and environment-friendly.

Hugging is healthy. It cures depression, releases your frowning muscles, reduces stress, rejuvenates. Without side effects.

And it's free.

Because they're free, people take them for granted. If hugs cost money, people would probably starve for 3 months getting themselves one.

For those uncomfortable with the traditional hug, don't fret! Hugs are also:
1) A kind word
2) A smile
3) "Thank you very much!"
4) "Please forgive me?"
5) "Can I do anything to help you?"
6) "I'm sorry..."

And everything else you can think up to make someone else happy.

You are magical.